• Counseling and Prevention Services

    Uplift Education Counseling Model

    Within the Well-Being department, the Counseling and Prevention Services department at Uplift Education offers an innovative and robust mental health counseling program staffed by highly qualified mental health professionals, including, but not limited to, state Certified School Counselors (CSCs), Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs), and/or Licensed Master Social Workers (LMSWs).  For the above credentials, a Master’s Degree in a mental health field is typically required. 

    Social/Behavioral Counselors at Uplift Education implement a school-based mental health model which prioritizes mental health and well-being of scholars, while also aligning with elements of a Comprehensive Counseling Program, as recommended by the American School Counseling Association and the Texas Education Agency.  Program components include guidance curriculum, responsive counseling services and system support.  As licensed mental health clinicians, Uplift Counselors are proud to offer short-term professional mental health counseling services and crisis assessment, in addition to programming more traditionally offered in the school setting.

    Responsive Counseling Services

    Responsive Services consists of activities designed to meet the immediate needs and concerns of students.  These needs often include: individual counseling, small group counseling, staff consultation, crisis counseling, and/or serving as an information and referral source to Uplift families for appropriate external mental health care.  Although, Uplift Education’s Social/Behavioral Counselors do not provide long-term psychotherapeutic treatment for scholars, they are available to offer short-term counseling services upon request during the school day.  Contact your child’s Social/Behavioral counselor to schedule an appointment.

    Guidance and Prevention Curriculum

    Social/Behavioral Counselors deliver a Guidance Curriculum consisting of structured psycho-educational lessons for all Uplift Education students in grades K-12.  Guidance Curriculum at Uplift Education is designed to promote positive mental health development and is organized into three specific content areas which spiral across grade levels, including 1) Intrapersonal Effectiveness, 2) Interpersonal Effectiveness and 3) Personal Health and Safety. Additional information about the scope and sequence of guidance curriculum is available here.  Additionally, Social/Behavioral Counselors deliver prevention trainings to scholars on topics including substance abuse prevention and teen dating violence prevention.

    Systems Support

    Social/Behavioral Counselors help support the success of the overall school system by sharing their mental health expertise with colleagues, other school faculty, school leaders, parents and community partners. Social/Behavioral Counselors serve as standing members of student service-related committees such as SST/RTI, and are available by appointment for consultation to support a variety of needs.  Additionally, Social/Behavioral Counselors provide annual staff trainings on topics such as Bullying Prevention and Intervention, Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect and Other Maltreatment of Children, Suicide Prevention and other related mental health topics.   

Counseling and Prevention Services Leadership Team

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Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"