- Uplift Education
- Reopening Information for Fall, 2022
Q & A
When is the first day of school?
We will be welcoming any scholars that are new to Uplift along with those entering grades Kinder, 6th and 9th grade on Monday, August 1st. All returning scholars that don’t fall in these categories will start on Wednesday, August 3rd.
A copy of the 2022-23 Academic Calendar can be found on this webpage.
What does campus safety look like for the 2022-23 school year?
There is no more important endeavor than safeguarding the welfare of our children and youth. At Uplift, we have conducted in depth reviews of our safety procedures to ensure we are doing all we can. While we can't guarantee there will never be an emergency on one of our campuses, we can ensure that we have plans in place to address safety issues within our control at each of our campuses:
- Comprehensive emergency operations plans
- Gated and fenced grounds, locking vestibules, and electronic access systems for a multi-layer support to prevent unwanted intruders
- Security cameras located in the interior and exterior of the campus provide administrators with a full view of the school.
- A partnership with local police departments providing support during our AM and PM carline
- Volunteers and visitors receive background checks and are screened through our Raptor system
- Active shooter response training for key personnel, along with regularly conducted safety drills for scholars and staff
- Classrooms and outer doors locked during the school day and checked regularly
The second, and equally important, part is programming that provides for the emotional health of scholars and identifies scholars in crisis. At every Uplift campus you will find:
- Daily lessons that help scholars explore and understand their emotions and learn to respect both adults and peers
- Regular surveys to identify scholars who might feel disconnected
- Dedicated Licensed Social Counselors whose primary focus is the mental health and social-emotional well-being of every scholar
- Small community feel where there is a sense of belonging
- “See Something, Say Something” programs to curb bullying and other exclusionary behaviors
- Regular threat assessment meetings with school leadership and counselors
While we know that these are best practices and exceed TEA and the Texas School Safety Center, we also need the partnership of our parents and families in being vigilant and responsive to a child’s mental needs.
What does personal safety and well-being look like for the 2022-23 school year?
Uplift is continuing to prioritize the health and safety of our community by continuing many practices we had in place last year to keep our community safe by encouraging good hygiene practices, vaccines, and testing. We are encouraging schools to continue:
- Good hygiene: wash hands and sanitize frequently
- Mouth covering: cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing
- Cleaning: frequently clean and sanitize highly-touched spaces
- Ventilation: ensure all ventilation systems have MERV-13 filters, which are changed and maintained quarterly
- Testing: get tested for illness if you’re experiencing symptoms (flu, strep, and COVID-19 testing is available to scholars). PCR testing is available for staff, scholars, and families on-site.
- Vaccinations: encourage vaccines of our staff, families, and scholars to keep the community safe
- Reporting: maintain our live COVID-19 reporting dashboard on our website
Will masks be required for scholars and staff?
Masks are not required. However, they will be available on-site if someone requests one.
Will Luminare screening be required this year?
We will not be using the daily Luminare health screen. We encourage you to check with your children daily to see how they’re feeling.
Scholars and staff are encouraged to report confirmed positive COVID-19 cases and COVID symptoms to nurse@uplifteducation.org.
Will schools be increasing ventilation, cleaning and sanitizing?
Each classroom will be supplied with spray disinfectant, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes. Teachers and instructional staff will be empowered to clean as often as needed. There are also wipes in every classroom for scholars to clean their own desk and chair spaces.
Our primary schools are building into their daily schedules multiple breaks when scholars will clean/ sanitize their hands. All Secondary classrooms have hand sanitizer in them as well for scholars to use.
Common areas (e.g., restrooms) are cleaned throughout the day and electrostatic misters are used for additional cleaning.
Like last year, we are ensuring that all ventilation systems have MERV-13 filters, which are changed and maintained quarterly.
Should my child get vaccinated?
The CDC recommends everyone ages 6 months and older get a COVID-19 vaccine to help protect against COVID-19. Due to our understanding of the data, the majority of those with COVID-19 vaccines are not being hospitalized.
We invite our families to email nurse@uplifteducation.org to upload their child’s vaccination card, schedule a COVID-19 test, or if they need assistance finding a vaccination site near them.
If a scholar is symptomatic at school, what health resources are available?
Uplift teachers will send any scholar who appears symptomatic to the school’s health clinic. Our health services team will assess scholars who are not feeling well throughout the day and contact parents as needed. Our schools’ health clinics are also equipped with Telehealth equipment and services through Children’s Health that provides immediate care to our scholars if they are 18 years of age or younger.
Scholars, teachers, and staff should stay home when they have signs of any infectious illness and be referred to their healthcare provider for testing and care.
Will on-site testing be available?
Every campus will have on-site testing available! Scholars, family members, and staff are ALL able to receive a PCR test at our schools' health clinics. Reach out to your school health clinic to schedule a test.
Will there be a fee associated with obtaining a PCR test?
The government is no longer paying for PCR testing.
Currently, all insurance providers cover the cost at 100% and will pay for 1 test, per person, per day. Uplift negotiated with our lab partner to charge a rate of $60 per person/per test for any uninsured person. We will create a list of local companies that will cover the cost at 100% for individuals who do not have insurance.
IF Uplift families or staff have insurance, THEN the PCR test is covered at 100%.
IF they do not have insurance and choose to take a PCR test at an Uplift campus or event, there will be a charge of $60 billed directly to them from the lab. No money will be exchanged in the network. The Health Services team will inform every uninsured person - who is requesting a PCR test- of the $60 charge and will also provide them with a list of resources to free locations.
Will Uplift continue to report positive cases?
Uplift will continue to provide transparency of our COVID-19 cases with all members of our community. We will continue to communicate if there is a positive COVID-19 case on our campuses through our live dashboard which will be updated weekly found on upliftparent.org/BTS2022.
Will staff or scholars be allowed at school if they test positive for COVID-19?
If an individual tests positive for COVID, or has COVID symptoms, they must isolate for 5 days. The individual may return after 5 days with a mask through day 10 - if fever-free (without medicine) and other symptoms are improving.
If an individual is a close contact and does not have symptoms, they may remain in-person but it is highly encouraged that they wear a mask for 10 days. Additionally, they should take a COVID test on Day 5.
If the close contact takes place in the home and the scholar/staff member is unable to fully isolate from the individual who has COVID from the rest of the family, they should isolate for 5 days and take a PCR COVID test on the 5th day.
Will parents be notified if a scholar tests positive for COVID-19?
If your scholar is found to be in close contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19, we will message you directly. For middle and high school scholars, we will also send out a broader group notification due to the continuous movement of our older scholars throughout the day. You can expect to receive notification for a positive case if it pertains to your scholar’s grade level, advisory class, and athletic team.
Will public spaces on campuses be open and utilized?
Yes, playgrounds, gyms, cafeterias, libraries and other public spaces will be open and available for use.
Will uniforms be required for the 2022-23 school year?
All scholars will be required to wear uniforms in accordance with your school's uniform policy. Check your school's Families & Scholars web page for the full policy.
Will water fountains be available for use?
Yes, both scholars and staff will have access to water fountains on campus.
Will parents be allowed to volunteer on campus?
Yes. Parents will be able to come onto campus to support.
Will Uplift continue to update its guidelines?
Just as we did last year, we will continue to be nimble as we get guidance from the state and federal levels regarding any updates to our COVID-19 safety protocols. We will respond as quickly as possible, and we commit to keeping our families and staff informed as always. We invite you to check this page for the latest information, upliftparent.org/BTS2022, and thank you for your patience and understanding.
Originally posted on 07/01/2022