- Uplift Education
- Child Care
Child Care
The childcare options below are additional providers for families that may need assistance outside of aftercare partners listed below for each campus.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas
https://bgcdallas.org/Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Tarrant County
https://www.bgcgtc.org/YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas
https://www.ymcadallas.org/YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth
https://ymcafw.org/Arlington-Mansfield Area YMCA
https://amaymca.org/Dallas Parks & Recreation
https://www.dallasparks.org/9/Programs-ActivitiesFort Worth Park & Recreation
(click on the community center closest to you to find a list of programs and activities available)Find! Child Care
https://find.bestplace4kids.com/familiesFront Line Child Care
Onsite Afterschool Care
For aftercare information at your campus, please click on the link below. Aftercare providers, rates and services may be different by location. For additional information about campus programming, contact the aftercare provider at your campus.