Campus General Information
Click any of the icons below for more information.
We want your feedback!
Absence Reporting
Please submit the form attached here to notify UNHP of your scholar's absence or of any adjustments needed on your scholar's attendance. If additional information is necessary after receiving your completed form, an attendance representative will contact you.
Please do not email since that email will be disabled soon. We prefer you use the form.
Please submit Attendance Form by clicking here.
Attendance Corrections
If attendance was taken incorrectly, and your scholar was present in class, then please connect with your scholar’s teacher. If there was an error made in taking attendance, then the teacher will submit an attendance correction form to the Attendance Coordinator to have the system corrected.
To notify UNHP your scholar was absent or tardy please submit an excuse note here. Attendance adjustments will be made within 48 hours of receipt. An excuse note does not guarantee the absence is excused. Please see our guidelines in the UNHP Handbook and Policies section. If additional information is necessary after receiving your completed form, then an attendance representative will contact you. Thank you for prioritizing your scholar’s attendance!
Thank you.
UNHP Attendance
Address/Information Changes
North Hills Families, if you have moved or changed any of your contact information, please updated it with your school. Fill out the form attached and send it to pcorrea@ .Unhp Address/Information Change Form