Welcome to RTCC Counselors' Corner!
Please join us on our Schoology Page!
Access Code to join: CRSH-74QX-GT9Z6
Please join us in welcoming our new Dean of College Prep, Aleta Estrada-Barrientos! She will be working on your behalf as the DCP as well as an Academic Counselor. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our campus and we are very fortunate to have her on board!
UNHP for 2020 - 2021:
During this unprecedented time in our society, Uplift has determined for the safety and wellbeing of our scholars, their families, faculty and staff that our campuses will be closed to in-person learning until October 2nd, 2020. We will be transitioning to a mix of remote, in-person and hybrid learning options. Please be aware that your RTCC Team is working for you during our transition regardless of your learning option selection. We will respond to emails as soon as possible during the typical work week.
Academic Counselors and College Counselors are working remotely to ensure your needs are met in a timely fashion. Please email your counselor with any questions or concerns.
Academic Counselors:
Aleta Estrada-Barrientos (Last names: A-K): AlEstrada@uplifteducation.org
Emery Stafford (Last names: L-Z): EStafford@uplifteducation.org
College Counselors:
Christine Sanders (Last Names A-K): CSanders@uplifteducation.org
Dr. Tiffany Alloway (Last Names L-Z): TAlloway@uplifteducation.org
Keep learning daily, communicating with your teachers and remember that your health and safety are our top priority! We are using technology to make your life easier! Please use our Calendly links to schedule appointments with us and use our remote phone numbers to contact us for more urgent matters. Zoom meetings make it easy for a face-to-face meeting. Please email us to see which option is best for you!
~Your RTCC Team
District Closure for COVID-19:
During this unprecedented time in our society, Uplift has determined for the safety and wellbeing of our scholars, their families, faculty and staff that our campuses will be closed indefinitely. Please be aware that your RTCC Team is working for you during our transition. We will respond to emails as soon as possible during the typical work week.
Academic Counselors are awaiting guidance from TEA and the Uplift CMO to determine how credit recovery will occur for the remainder of the year. We will communicate new test dates and credit recovery procedures as soon as they become available. Please email your counselor with any questions or concerns.
Christine Sanders (Last names: A-K): CSanders@uplifteducation.org
Emery Stafford (Last names: L-Z): EStafford@uplifteducation.org
College Counselors are available for virtual meetings during the work week. Please contact them via email to schedule a time if desired:
Dr. Tiffany Alloway: TAlloway@uplifteducation.org
Jakkia Hollingsworth, Dean of College Prep: JHollingsworth@uplifteducation.org
Keep learning daily, communicating with your teachers and remember that your health and safety are our top priority!
~Your RTCC Team
Update 3/24/2020 - DP and AP Testing
- DP Exams (12th Grade): The IBO is canceling the May, 2020 examination session; there will be no external DP exams this year. The attached letter was sent to schools for distribution to families today. It states that students “will be awarded a Diploma or a Course Certificate which reflects their standard of work. This is based on student’s coursework and the established assessment expertise, rigor, and quality control already built into the programmes.” We don’t know exactly what this means yet and don’t want to speculate; more specific information will be released this week and we will communicate it in our next update.
- AP Exams (9th – 12th Grade): College Board has announced changes that will affect all AP Classes. Specifically:
- Traditional face-to-face AP exam administrations will not take place this year. For the 2019–20 exam administration only, students can take a 45-minute online exam at home.
- For each AP subject, there will be 2 different testing dates. The full exam schedule, specific free-response question types that will be on each AP Exam, and additional testing details will be available by April 3.
- Beginning on Wednesday, March 25, students and schools will have access to free, live AP review lessons, delivered by AP teachers from across the country on the College Board’s website. The lessons will focus on reviewing the skills and concepts from the first 75% of the course.
A note about homework:
Many scholars are struggling with low grades and a large majority of those students would not be failing if they would turn in their work. Parents, please check PowerSchool and help remind your children to turn in all their assignments! This can keep them from failing, or change a B to an A. It is a very important step in maintaining a healthy GPA (Grade-Point Average).
I am aware, as I have a son that does not believe in homework, that scholars can get busy and prioritize other things over school. However, as I told my son, in all jobs, even ones you love, there will be times you have to do something you prefer not to in order to get that paycheck! Homework is there to reinforce what scholars learn in school and to meet state requirements. Please stay in contact with your child's Teacher or Academic Counselor when you see missing assignments or low grades.
We appreciate your partnership as we collectively encourage your scholars to the finish line!
~Mrs. Sanders and Ms. Stafford
Beginning Your College Journey-rising Jrs & Srs 01.14.2020
Beginning Your College Journey - Rising Seniors 01.14.2020.pdf 1.33 MB (Last Modified on February 14, 2020) -
The High School Resume
Need to create a high school resume? Please see the uploaded template for guidance.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Please see for a basic overview of the types of scholarships and financial aid, including some scholarships seniors should be applying to and tips.
Your College Selection Journey- School Year Timeline
Please review this timeline of the academic year, created to aid the senior scholar in task and time management.
Understand The College Application- Exploring the Application Process and Its Components
Please see this powerpoint to receive a general, yet detailed overview of the college application process!
Dates to Remember:
January 13th
Rising 9th and 10th graders
Course Registration Night
6:00 - 7:30 PM
East Commons
January 25th
Rising 11th and 12th graders
Course Registration Night
6:00 - 7:30 PM
East Commons
August 26th, 2019
11th - 12th Grade Parent Curriculum Night
6:00 PM : Old Gym
September 4th, 2019
October 16th, 2019
October 21, 2019
- Room 300
- Room 400
- Senior Lounge
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Tiffany Alloway, Ph. D.
- Jakkia Hollingsworth
- Christina Sanchez
- Christine Sanders
- Emery Stafford