• We expect and help bring out excellence in our students and staff. Each member of the Uplift family – teachers, students and parents – sign a “Commitment to Excellence” pledge to strive to solidify their commitment to do and give their best each day. 

    Student Commitment


    Parents, teachers and students must combine efforts for your child to reach his/her “Uplift Potential.”  The Uplift learning community shares the following mission:  


    An unwavering focus on student achievement and the transmission of a love of learning.


    As a student, I fully agree with and commit to the following:   

    • I will arrive at school every day fifteen (15) minutes prior to the beginning of the school day, in order to guarantee a full instructional day.

    • I will strive to become a global citizen by acting as a thinker, risk-taker and balanced student.·       

    • I will approach my learning with creativity, curiosity and enthusiasm.

    • I will attend tutoring, detention or any other support services that are needed as required by school officials.

    • I will work, communicate and behave in accordance with the school’s honor code.

    • I will complete all my homework every night and attend each session of any required or assigned program.

    • I will speak to my teachers if I have a question or problem.

    • I will be respectful and cooperative toward my parents and teachers.

    • I will be principled in all my actions and accept responsibility for them.

    • I will be knowledgeable of and follow all school rules, codes, policies and procedures.

    • I will always behave in a caring manner that protects the safety, interests and rights of all individuals in the classroom and the school community.

    • I will conduct myself in an inquiring manner that is conducive for learning.

    • I will be a reflective, open-minded member of my learning community who will show empathy, tolerance and respect.

    • I will maintain academic integrity insuring my work is my own.


    Failure to adhere to these commitments can cause me to lose privileges and can lead to removal from my Uplift school. 


    PRINT Name here: _______________________ Signature________________________ Date______________