
    IB Middle Years Program at North Hills Preparatory


    The IB Middle Years Program (MYP) in grades 6-10 is a link between the IB Primary Years Program (K-5) and the Diploma Program (11-12). The program requires mastery of eight domains of learning - English, Humanities, Science, Math, Foreign Language, Physical Education, Technology, and the Arts.   Each discipline supports the development of skill sets that help students blossom into problem-solvers and become critical thinkers with strong work ethic.


    MYP is characterized by three fundamental concepts: Communication, Holistic learning and Intercultural Awareness.  These subject areas are taught in a context for learning and these contexts are called Areas of Interaction (AoIs). Subject matter is explored through five lenses (AoIs) that facilitate practical application of the acquired knowledge, skills, understanding and attitude. The five Areas of interaction are-  Community and Service,  Human Ingenuity, Environments, Approaches to Learning and Health & Social Education.


    While there are no external examinations administered in the MYP, teachers use published IB subject guides to design their curriculum based on the MYP objectives and use the MYP criteria to assess student work. In addition, the school plans to participate in “monitoring” by the IB Organization to ensure that high standards are maintained.


    The Middle Years Program culminates in grade 10 with the creation of an individual summative assessment called the Personal Project, in which students exhibit their in depth understanding and knowledge of a discipline and use an Area of Interaction  to contextualize their learning. In order to assist students in mastery of subjects and themes, grade level teams meet to plan and collaborate on curriculum and work together to craft inter-disciplinary units.  This collaboration allows each MYP subject to support and connect with other MYP subjects and provide students with a holistic learning experience.

    With the implementation of the Middle Years Program, NHP is able to provide a continuum of IB learning experience. Our students will be well prepared for a smooth transition  into the Diploma Program. During the final year of the Middle Years Program in grade 10, a formal application process prepares students to plan their DP courses.

     The  required components of the MYP include:

     1. Concurrent learning across eight subject areas:

    English                      Second Language
                     Humanities               Sciences
                     Mathematics             The Arts
                     Technology              Physical Education

    2. Consistent, High Academic Standards:


    Teachers use clearly communicated criterion-referenced assessment.  Teachers utilize curriculum objectives prescribed for IB schools worldwide.

    3. Holistic learning - The Areas of Interaction:


    Learning is organized around five major themes (Areas of Interaction) to enable students to understand that real-world issues require insights gained from a variety of disciplines. These themes comprise:
    Health & Social education
    Human Ingenuity
    Approaches to learning
    Community & Service

    4. International Mindedness:
    Students acquire insights into international issues and develop a sense of collective responsibility and global citizenship.
    5. Communication:
           An emphasis is placed on acquiring a second language to help students  be effective communicators within a multi-cultural society.  Effective written and verbal communication in English is also a shared emphasis of every subject teacher at NHP. As such, every teacher is a language teacher.
    6. Culture:
           Students develop a sense of personal and cultural identity and respect for themselves and others.

    7. An Action Curriculum:

    Personal initiative through action is an intrinsic aspect of the MYP at North Hills Preparatory.   This is exemplified in the Personal Project and participation in  multiple community and service projects throughout the student’s 6-10 educational career.

    North Hills Preparatory
    IB MYP Coordinator
    Nicolau Pereira