Uplift Luna Faculty Listing
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School Leadership
Name Title Dept Email Katie Woodiel Academic Director Middle School (6th-8th) cwoodiel@uplifteducation.org Emily Simmons Dean Middle School (6th-8th) esimmons@uplifteducation.org Roman Salery Dean Middle School (6th-8th) rsalery@uplifteducation.org Irma Martinez Student Support Specialist Middle School (6th-8th) imartinez@uplifteducation.org Alexandra Baer Chan Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) abaerchan@uplifteducation.org Andre Sanchez Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) ansanchez@uplifteducation.org Andrea Dilao Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) adilao@uplifteducation.org Andrew Robinson Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) anrobinson@uplifteducation.org Anna Russell Teacher Aide Middle School (6th-8th) anrussell@uplifteducation.org Caitlin Bailey Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) cbailey@uplifteducation.org Cameron Edwards Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) cedwards@uplifteducaiton.org Carter Tibbets Teacher Aide Middle School (6th-8th) ctibbets@uplifteducation.org Charlene Fowajuh Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) cfowajuh@uplifteducation.org Chelsea Sizemore Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) csizemore@uplifteducation.org Christopher Cousins Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) ccousins@uplifteducation.org Cicely Brooks Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) charrison@uplifteducation.org Cynthia Martinez ESL Teacher Aide Middle School (6th-8th) cmartinez@uplifteducation.org David Perez Garza Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) dperezgarza@uplifteducation.org Dominique Edwards Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) dedwards@uplifteducation.org Esra Jackson Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) esjackson@uplifteducation.org Gary Shipps Permanent Substitute Middle School (6th-8th) gshipps@uplifteducation.org Hannah Whitehurst Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) hholmes@uplifteducation.org James Treuthardt Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) jtreuthardt@uplifteducation.org Jasmin Mckenzie Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) jmckenzie@uplifteducation.org Jayleen Roman Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) jaroman@uplifteducation.org Jody Reese Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) jreese@uplifteducation.org Jorge Luis Muñoz Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) jomunoz@uplifteducation.org Jose Martinez Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) josemartinez@uplifteducation.org Kaleena Callier Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) kacallier@uplifteducation.org Katelyn Powell Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) kpowell@uplifteducation.org Kimberly Castillo Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) kcastillo@uplifteducation.org Madison Eblen Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) meblen@uplifteducation.org Maria Maciel Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) mamaciel@uplifteducation.org Michaela Fendley Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) mfendley@uplifteducation.org Michelle Losey Teacher Aide Middle School (6th-8th) mlosey@uplifteducation.org Molly Robinson Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) morobinson@uplifteducation.org Rhianna Calendine Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) rcalendine@uplifteducation.org Ricardo Vega Urban Teacher Resident Middle School (6th-8th) rvega@uplifteducation.org Robin Birt Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) rbirt@uplifteducation.org Shadia Reynolds Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) shreynolds@uplifteducation.org Shoncey Whitaker Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) swhitaker@uplifteducation.org Shonteal Crawford Teacher Aide Middle School (6th-8th) scrawford@uplifteducation.org Victoria McCoy Teacher Middle School (6th-8th) vmccoy@uplifteducation.org Zanetta Allen Intervention Specialist Middle School (6th-8th) zallen@uplifteducation.org Name Title Dept Email Beverly Carr Academic Director High School (9th-12th) bcarr@uplifteducation.org Cassundra Ross Gipson Dean High School (9th-12th) caross@uplifteducation.org Valerie Akpan Dean High School (9th-12th) vakpan@uplifteducation.org Dean Road to College (RTC) Aditya Garg Teacher High School (9th-12th) agarg@uplifteducation.org Alexis Crane-Robinson Teacher High School (9th-12th) acrane@uplifteducation.org Alicia Sharp Teacher High School (9th-12th) asharp@uplifteducation.org Ana Belmonte College Counselor Road to College (RTC) abelmonte@uplifteducation.org Arya Sadat-Khansari Teacher High School (9th-12th) akhansari@uplifteducation.org Bella Jones Teacher High School (9th-12th) bejones@uplifteducation.org Brenda Quiñones Teacher High School (9th-12th) bquinones@uplifteducatiob.org Brittney Barham Teacher High School (9th-12th) bbarham@uplifteducation.org Charles Irving Teacher High School (9th-12th) cirving@uplifteducation.org Danielle Edmonds Teacher High School (9th-12th) dedmonds@uplifteducation.org Daviona Moore Teacher High School (9th-12th) damoore@uplifteducation.org De Laina Parker Teacher High School (9th-12th) deparker@uplifteducation.org Devodrick Ross Teacher High School (9th-12th) dross@uplifteducation.org Eileen Mata College Counselor Road to College (RTC) emata@uplifteducation.org Elaine Orendorff Relay Intervention Resident High School (9th-12th) eorendorff@uplifteducation.org Emerin Boomer Teacher High School (9th-12th) eboomer@uplifteducation.org Eric Rodriguez ESL Teacher Aide High School (9th-12th) errodriguez@uplifteducation.org Frank Wu Teacher High School (9th-12th) fwu@uplifteducation.org Gabriela Barberena Teacher High School (9th-12th) gbarberena@uplifteducation.org Jeffrey Antoine Teacher High School (9th-12th) jantoine@uplifteducation.org Jennifer Lee Teacher High School (9th-12th) jelee@uplifteducation.org Kelly Gray Teacher High School (9th-12th) kgray@uplifteducation.org Keshawn Bostic Teacher High School (9th-12th) kbostic@uplifteducation.org Kineret Yardena Teacher High School (9th-12th) kyardena@uplifteducation.org LaNissa SpearJones Teacher High School (9th-12th) lspearjones@uplifteducation.org Maria Orozco Montañez Teacher High School (9th-12th) morozcomontanez@uplifteducation.org Michael Tipping Teacher High School (9th-12th) mtipping@uplifteducation.org Monica Manrique Teacher Aide High School (9th-12th) mmanrique@uplifteducation.org Morgan Jones Teacher High School (9th-12th) mojones@uplifteducation.org Renee Ronquillo Teacher High School (9th-12th) rronquillo@uplifteducation.org Samad Virani Teacher High School (9th-12th) svirani@uplifteducation.org Sasha Aldrete Teacher High School (9th-12th) saldrete@uplifteducation.org Sierra Rogers Teacher High School (9th-12th) srogers@uplifteducation.org Veronica Shiemke Teacher High School (9th-12th) vshiemke@uplifteducation.org Yuritza Morales Academic Counselor Road to College (RTC) ymorales@uplifteducation.org Name Title Dept Email Operations Director Campus Operations Marie Delgado-Cortez Office Manager Campus Operations mdelgadocortez@uplifteducation.org Anna Meza Campus Support Campus Operations ameza@uplifteducation.org Elexus Rodriguez PEIMS Coordinator Campus Operations elrodriguez@uplifteducation.org Gloria Ortega Attendance Coordinator Campus Operations glortega@uplifteducation.org Receptionist Campus Operations Edward Cervantes Facilities Manager Campus Operations ecervantes@uplifteducation.org Agustina Melo Custodian Campus Operations amelo@uplifteducation.org Leonardo Padilla Custodian Campus Operations lpadilla@uplifteducation.org Cindy Juarez Family Engagement Coordinator Campus Operations cjuarez@uplifteducation.org Rosa Jimenez Kitchen Supervisor Campus Operations rjimenez@uplifteducation.org Lizbeth Alva Alvarado Café Worker Campus Operations lalvaalvarado@uplifteducation.org Maria Chavez Café Worker Campus Operations mchavez@uplifteducation.org Kim Barefield Nurse Campus Operations kbarefield@uplifteducation.org Molly Goldman Social Counselor Middle School (6th-8th) MGoldman@uplifteducation.org Kiara Gaton Social Counselor High School (9th-12th) kgaton@uplifteducation.org Brian Howard Speech Language Pathologist Special Education bhoward@uplifteducation.org Jacqueline Grimes Special Education Coordinator Special Education jgrimes@uplifteducation.org Cinthia Gaona Garza Registrar Road to College (RTC) cgaonagarza@uplifteducation.org