Who do I contact?
We encourage all our families to contact our leadership team with any questions or issues.
Contact your scholar's teacher for questions regarding:
- assignments and homework
- discipline issues
- grades
Contact the school's main office with questions regarding:
- car line
- cafeteria or meal accounts
- school uniforms
- medical issues
- general school polices or procedures
- powerschool access or passwords
Uplift Ascend Leadership
Please contact your scholar's deans only if your concerns remain unresolved after speaking with their teacher.
Name Title Dept Email Telisheon Carlisle HS Dean Ascend High School TCarlisle@uplifteducation.org Kristie Corbett MS Dean Ascend Middle School KCorbett@uplifteducation.org Stanley Ford PS Dean Ascend Primary School StaFord@uplifteducation.org Jacoby Ivery PS Dean Ascend Primary School JIvery@uplifteducation.org Renieda Johnson Dean of College Prep Ascend High School RenJohnson@uplifteducation.org Ashley Jones PS Dean Ascend Primary School asjones@uplifteducation.org Lemmy Okonta MS Dean Ascend Middle School LOkonta@uplifteducation.org Evan Osazee HS Dean Ascend High School EOsazee@uplifteducation.org Directors
Please contact your scholar's director only if your concerns remain unresolved after addressing them with their teacher and dean.
Name Title Dept Email Jeffery Fowler Operations Director Operations jfowler@uplifteducation.org Steve Hypolite Academic Director Ascend Primary School SHypolite@uplifteducation.org Alton Jackson Academic Director Ascend Middle School AltJackson@uplifteducation.org Bratania Morris Academic Director Ascend High School bmorris@uplifteducation.org Esperanza Trujillo Associate Operations Director Operations estrujillo@uplifteducation.org Managing Directors
Contact the school's managing director only if your concerns remain unresolved after discussing them with your scholar's teacher and the school's director.
Name School Email Karen Evans Secondary School kEvans@uplifteducation.org Aleia McDaniel Primary School AMcDaniel@uplifteducation.org Alan Tolleson Operations atolleson@uplifteducation.org